Case Studies
Sandra Zorrilla Mc Lellan de Landa
Real Estate & Community Developer
“They helped each one of us to understand how we each served through our personal purpose to a common purpose... it is from the inside - a deep awareness of our gift, our unique contributions...”
Sandra’s origins are in North East Mexico south of San Antonio Texas. Her Great Grandfather left a legacy of wealth in land, with wisdom, learning, and family always being at the forefront for her. She has a background in philosophy with the practical aspect of building a family legacy of wealth and wisdom. She and her husband are accomplished real-estate and community developers in Mexico. She is a trusted advisor and sits on numerous corporate boards.
About 10 years ago, Sandra found herself adjusting and questioning, at a new stage in life, and slightly uncertain about her role as a parent and member of the family business. At that time, she worked with Amit and Kumar in individual sessions to help clarify her purpose. To this day, she is thankful for the confidence, certainty, and resilience that this clarity offered her.
A few years later, Sandra looked to Chintan to help integrate the family board to effectively pursue the purpose of the family business. At the time, the family members had an individual sense of what each was about - yet they struggled with how their individual missions were connected to each other or connected to the family business. In some ways, they had unrealistic expectations of themselves and of each other and that was placing stress on the individuals, their family, and their businesses. It was challenging to see how the puzzle fit together. When it wasn’t clear how purposes and people aligned, frustrations arose.
Having personally gathered immense value from working with the Ramalls in the past, the family setting was no different. With extreme presence and guiding questions, Amit and Kumar helped each person experience a profound connection to and gratitude for deep internal past experiences and how those were aligned with individual purpose. Through these processes, the group was successfully guided to a tremendous amount of clarity around their individual and unique contributions to the world. Importantly, and almost unexpectedly for the family, they got a clear knowing, a certainty, about exactly how that jigsaw puzzle with seemingly diverse pieces fit beautifully together. “They helped each one of us to understand how we each served through our personal purpose to a common purpose... it is from the inside - a deep awareness of our gift, our unique contributions...” Sandra said of their time together. As a result, the family business now has a clear roadmap of what and how they each are going to be (or not be) involved. They have leveraged this to reduce their frustrations and to grow their individual and collective impact and rewards